Monday, April 6, 2009

A Hospital Is Offering Digital Records

Online personal health records — controlled by patients themselves, not by hospitals, doctors, insurers or employers — have been available for years. Yet only a small percentage of Americans have digital personal health records today, analysts estimate.




  1. That's true in my case. Not a single school, hospital or state funded organization (wisconsin) has any record of immunizations I had since birth. I needed them to get into Belmont's grad school program and didn't realize that I was a couple years shy of when these places started to digitally save student files.

  2. I like the idea of health records being accessible online and patients having more control. I think this will help eliminate some of the problems with our health care system.

  3. Overall, I think this is a great idea. It could end up saving lives when doctors have almost instant access to patient's records. This would be critical if a person had an ongoing condition and happened to be out of town away from their regular doctor. Think about how much faster the local doctor could treat the patient to be able to look up the records digitally. ~Ginger

  4. Who knows maybe one day they can just scan our iris or something and have our medical records immediately. Or maybe they will start taking finger prints, foot prints, and DNA in the delivery room to be placed in a database.

